Wednesday, January 3, 2007

a new day has come

hello guys... finally, ive come up with a riddle as my first post for the year...
puzzle it out...if you do, we never know, maybe ur the one im looking for... oink! oink! oink!

I am a fool who writes no denial of idiocy
Let this riddle crack hilarious tragedy

The Riddle

I speak of a language
Formless in the minds of man
But its words are bold-
Moving you in rhetorical mystery
Yet its history is untold
Finding you in cathartic ecstasy-
It is phonemic; in stressful clusters
And morphologic; in compounded junctures
Where no syllable defines
This tongue etched in lines
Tell of syntactic spells
Be its grammar spared
For it predicates to complete
And free some expletive of deceit
But what oration it gives?
A litany of splendor it receives?
Either unaccented semantics, a sore tirade
Or melodic piece, a youthful serenade
Still it orchestrates a rhapsody of tune
Where no savvy of poesy can ever reason
For by the light of primordial sage
Is it embedded by a union of freedom!
Be yours to make or break
Or articulate a soliloquy of fake
This can never be a mistake!
Now I spoke to you my language
Formless in your minds; yours to unravel
A soluble consonance in your ears:
“Rhyme a glide in my lips
To you shall be sounded;
Oh, what it writes
A fricative of valor
An unsounded phoneme
In your mouthful flames it burns!”


You speak and write my language
Your exposition of declamatory speech
And tear it page by page
In my eyes some papery sheets!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.