Sunday, December 31, 2006

krung krung

a blissful prosperous new year to all!!!

hahayzzz.... 2006 has not been so kind to me.. but anyways, i still paint optimism in my life. :) hope this year would be prolific, good and full of surprises (something beneficial)

thanks to all the persons whom ive shared my life with...

To my new acquaintances: i hope we could establish a deeper rapport... the thing we call REAL FRIENDSHIP!

To my barkada, high school cliques, the mensroom: a million thanks... through thick and thin, you were there for me... you complete my life :)

anf of course to my one and only: you know who you are! because of you, i knew myself better! i stood above the ground. words arent enough to describe how grateful i am having you in my life... You came into an epiphany of what my life is worth for: living for the other, living it with you... now i have a hundredfold reasons to smile. for always, forever, you have a place in my heart. i vow eternal love.




love you all guys!

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