Monday, December 11, 2006

over a cup of green tea

green tea is good to your health... why not sip some juice of poetry and get refreshed from all-in-a-days work... bon appetite...

this poem is dedicated to my one and only BB.... you know who you are. Remember me this way.

The Humming’s Melody

Sweet the gush of zephyrs whispering in my ears
Soft the rustle of chirpings suppressing my fears
Deaf echoes resonating chiming lullabies
For this sparrow hatch a mirthful wise
Mild as it yokes the mornings in rhyme
On perpetual moonshine’s radiant slime
By the night I watch him caressed by the deep
Only to find him in shivering weep
Pedestal songs the Muses sweep
Embraced its nest a springtime sleep
No more dreams a paint of violet sorrows
But a tender rouse of the crimson rainbows
Sing high up the Utopian bounty treats
Fraught my heart, his music completes



Anonymous said...

nIcE onE Yb! Im reallY proUd Of You! keEp Up The GoOd wOrk..YoU kNow ThaT i LoVe U mY Yb.Take CaRe alwaYs....

Anonymous said...

damn nice poem even if wala ko kasabot kay lawum ayo... but his lucky to find u...