Monday, December 18, 2006

Philosophy and Letters II

A Summary: Man and Historical Action
Man is a cross-point or point of intersection of certain line of events- physical, interpersonal, social and historical and existential. He is characterized by destiny or fate. When seen as destiny is a set of limitations. When seen as a task is a set of possibilities- destiny but also a task. As a point of intersection of natural events, man is a conscious product of nature and is a certain particular product of nature- distinct from the rest of physical phenomena. He is conscious of his limitations and possibilities, a source of creativity and activity. At the interpersonal level, he is defined by his personality as determined by his relationship with the persons around him. To a great extent, his personality is a fruit of intersecting personal lines coming together. Speaking of which, he is conscious- aware of his limitations and possibilities.
On the third level, man is a social cross-point. As closely associated with the inter-personal level, man is a social product of the events of the past beyond control. Certain social habits characterize him as a personality; a certain type brought about by culture and societal conditions. Historical overlaps with the social; the former being dynamic and temporal and the latter being static. He emerged at a certain period not within his control. It is through history which makes us what we are now. And the last level is between man himself as an individual, a unique person and a certain form of absolute goal for which he lives. By this, he is able to see his own person.
Given the destiny, he should do something with the situation. Destiny may have brought him at that situation, but the freedom is left on him if he wants to make a difference or live by it. Destiny and tasks are two inseparable things that determine man in the physical, interpersonal, social, historical and existential sense.

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