Wednesday, December 13, 2006

all it takes to be a normalite

when someone asks me what school i come from, i would proudly say, "... Cebu Normal University". others give a praiseworthy impression on their face while some really paints a horrible grimace to imply underestimation. well, obviously, most of the students come from the mountains and nearby provinces. but that should not be the basis for delving into someone's profile. we are a third-world country. whether we like it or not, majority of the country's population is mired on the margin of poverty. good thing the government had realized was the need to educate the people, propagation of a literate society. i believe that by this, the etiology of human diseases will be cured.

to those people who look down on us, i should say, mirror yourself a million times. what their reactions would seem like, i just let it go. social stratum should never be the ticket to success . whether your rich or poor, all deserves the right to education. im proud being one of the lucky chosen few to enter CNU. at first, i thought of making it to USC. i passed with superior IQ and Excellent exam results there. well, i should say superior--- twas chicken, very very chicken. hassle-free, with such a favorable ambiance to study and later on, sleep!!! but it was a different story in CNU, gosh, my brain almost oozed out. twas like being screwed on a chair with iron nails crowned atop your head. such a mind-exhausting exam. and... it lasted for THREE hours- no break! so what i did was to bite my jollibee burger little by little to fill my stomach. that very day, i realized my academic mode has been switched on! whew!

"mananing nasad kog balik!.. makaboang jud!!!"

And when the day came the results are posted, i jumped for joy having found my name on the passers list.







"praise the Lord!"

thanks to my former teachers in cic mandaue. had it not been by your encouragement and support, i would not have made it to CNU. It was from there that i realized my pedagogical calling for CNU. even before, i'd love to be teacher. well if u wanna know the drama behind it, get posted for my next write-up. I vehemently believe that this school would make me prolific. and yes, i wasn't wrong. no regrets!

"Normalite najud kow!"

Things have not been very easy in CNU. yes, we only got four class days a week, but my, every hour counts! time is so gold that you'll have to maximize your vacant period by studying your lessons for the next class. in terms of their exams administration, i should say, better be prepared! some professors give lengthy objective-type exams while others stick to an essay type... but worst when they give suprise tests! Such mind boggling experiences will surely make you realize

" I'm tired... but I'll have to cope up!"

the competition is so stiff that you'll be left out if you have not gone through the pages of your notes or research works. one thing which i'm so proud of, is the fact that i learned how to use the library. way back my high school days, i've been internet-dependent. sadly, i got used to it. though the internet provides immediate information, things wouldnt be enough. often times, i encounter a lot of errors, disinformation and misinterpretation.

teaching-wise, professors and instructors in CNU are dedicated and competent! Unlike other universities (just a hearsay) where some profs wouldnt attend classes , CNU gives you a picture of old school teaching where you're treated like a high school student, monitored and tracked. A complete attendance from the faculty... whenever a "terror" prof is absent for the day, it's like a shower party for us! rejoice! rejoice and be glad! That used to be our life. but still, we are not deprived of the right to liberty. i for one ranted about such old crap style before but it has to be that way, i realized! in CNU, it's always the harder way around. be the long-day enrollment processing, the OSA sanctioning or the regular class day drama, one has to stand out despite the school's warm, pressurized environment.

Being in my field is such a fulfillment. im grateful having the English Faculty as my dynamic, ever enthusiastic mentors. Who wouldnt have known Dr. Angel Pesirla, the renowned and respected modern Shakespeare? During British Lit Class, he would always despise my hairtyle

"Ang lalakeng tuyom ug buhok, Gemma!"


and of course, never to forget his endearing British accent especially when he says,

"Canterburrryyyyyyy!!!" (prolonged) sounding like a breed of anglo-saxon and middle english.

next in line is Mrs Marita Nalam, a jack-of-all trades master of many. well she sings like a hummingbird. how i feel so nostalgic during thos Lit 1 days... such a motherly affection she gives you. who wouldnt be longing for that?

Never to forget, Mrs. Carmel Vip Deracin, my Lit 1 Linguistics and Literature professor. her tactics will make you march... " The Charge of the Light Brigade" and let you interpret Shakespeare's Sonnet ..." let me not to the marriage of two minds admit impediments. love is not love which alters when its alteration finds, nor bends with the remover to remove" who would not be amazed?

Of course, Mrs. Nona Suerte too. my Oral Tradition professor and the English Studies Chairperson. one thing i'll never forget about her was when she tasked us to creatively present the story of Cupid and Psyche. we had a long preparation for that... and it turned out, she liked it! 'twas a great relief... like a sip of green tea! darn. i was frightened during the presentation day.. her having a stern voice... but i caught her smile as she watched our show... :) that made me breathe all through out the day.
And Dr. Joseph Sol Galleon, my adviser in English Fellows. Well, if you wanna sneak a trailer on my induction as the governor, keep posted.. lot more experiences to share. His "tatay" image will make you feel comfortable dealing with him. his professionalism gets you to the point of rooting out the best in you. and i for one feels so privileged having trained by him, until now.

A lot more teachers to mention! Well, you just have to remember this, whatever school you attend to, it's a matter of proving your worth! I am here in CNU and life is very different. I realized it's not about coincidences or chances, but its how you make things happen!

Truly, its indelible image as the frontline for quality education and culture of excellence is beyond compare!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow tian!...proud to be a NORMALITE najud dah...just by reading ur blog, i know ur on the right track..inspired ayo ka with all those stuff bout test(arrgghh)..teachers,etc..keep it up! so proud of tian!mwah!=)
