Monday, December 18, 2006

reflections I

Man and Historical Action

Oftentimes, we blame “destiny” as the culprit for whatsoever events that would happen to us. Partly, I agree. But there is still a margin of impracticality if I would totally submit to such prejudice. I say partly for the reason that some things do really happen despite the unexpected outcomes it elicits. Whether we like or not, we are destined for better or for worse. But even if it happens this way, we can always find means and ways to amend such unwanted situations. The idea of task-making is then involved here.
Seemingly, everything affects our lives ranging from our habitual functions to the vulnerability of circumstances and inevitability of time. The only way to stand long is to till the ground by our feet. By doing so, we stand as the reference point of intersection. Be it physical, social, interpersonal, historical or existential, each constitutes the making of our selves. We are brought up by these forces, thereby; there is always an assumption of responsibility from the framework of our experience. There’s always a stream of consciousness that flows, a set of limitations and possibilities, activity and passivity.
We take part in every natural phenomena- life, pestilence or demise. By these, we adopt to a certain type of temperament depending on the level of survival one needs. Interpersonally, we are a product of a network of personalities, from one personal line of events to the other. Historically and socially, we are a glorious inheritor of our culture and past from the generation of social habits and time lines. And lastly, we are bound to reach our ultimate goals in life. From here, we attain permanent totality (including spiritual) that determines the final meaning of our lives. All these make man a being both by destiny and task.

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