Monday, December 11, 2006

the chemistry of love

when is love atomic?
when is it bombastic?
when is it ballistic?

An Atomic Love

Oh how I was bombarded
By the radiance of the atomic love
Causing me to get excited

Oh what spark and force it illuminates
Whereupon my empty orbital
Ignites the periodic rule of octaves

Its magnetic force I draw near
Like the Uranium I pervade no fear
My periodic life in valence height
All by your oxidation state
Ionic or covalent keeps me tight
So immeasurable a molar fate

A balanced reaction you make
No decomposition could ever break
By your eyes I melt a freezing rate
By your smiles I liquefy a plasma state
Your brilliance so crystal clear
Dissolves in saturation a blissful sheer

I may be the ion in an electric current
Traveling in ductile wires
For I haste not in osmotic torrent
But pacing with the heat of fires
For deep within my nuclear love
Is a profound explosion from above!

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