Tuesday, December 12, 2006

philosophy and letters

Philosophizing: a Boon or a Bane?

Man is the perennial problem. So many questions arise in his thoughts such as: Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? What is my future? The answers to such questions are as varied as there are thinkers answering their own question. Indeed, man by nature is faced with many problems. To solve these problems, man must penetrate himself into searching out the deepest meaning of his existence. And this leads him to philosophize. What does it mean to philosophize? Basically, to philosophize is to reflect one’s life deeply, a kind of seeing with the mind. It is this ability and power of man as a rational being that enables him to weigh situations and diagnose the etiology of all human maladies.
Take my father’s case. For the past ten years, he had no stable job. He walked his life in a rocky road mired by his vices. How could he feed his family having no stable job? Had a tragic accident not happen would he realize to change. And so by God’s guidance, he pursued his studies in law. He rolled his sleeves, unmindful of the everyday pressures and stress. And luckily, by the entire family’s prayers and support, he made it to the bar exams. Such experience as my father’s made me so proud of him. Because he loves us, he took the supreme sacrifice for the good of our family. Indeed, God is merciful and loving.
It is this magnificence where man delves the deepest meaning of all things to discover the truth: that his life is made whole when he lives for the other. My father took the risk of transforming his life into something significant and worthwhile. Thus, he was able to bring about his best. Therefore, philosophizing is a boon, a priceless gift. Man proves his worth not by mere chances but by working out what he could offer to himself and to his environment. Words may define MAN but it’s his EXPERIENCE and LOVE which binds it.

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