Thursday, December 21, 2006

in solitude

A Sunken Eclipse

From an uncharted horizon
Is a thunderbolt
That shattered the glassy rivers
Broken, wrecked and brittle
From midnight’s dueling lamp
Is a steamy rotisserie
That burned the once Eden laid
Scorched, crisped, ashy
From the vociferous echoes
Is a rhetorical cataclysm
That siphoned the strophes of life
Dry, lethargic, bitter-strife
And this glorious lamp of heaven
Shines in diaspora-
Nowhere to heed
Nowhere to lead
Broken, wrecked, brittle
Scorched, crisped, ashy
Dry, lethargic, bitter-strife
All by this sunken eclipse
My heart’s incarcerated, entombed
By the darkest day
My life to pay

I now close my eyes
From a total eclipse

And when I wake up
The night is over,
The tremor is gone
Aurora breathes a whisper,
A promise that’s sweeter

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