Sunday, December 31, 2006

krung krung

a blissful prosperous new year to all!!!

hahayzzz.... 2006 has not been so kind to me.. but anyways, i still paint optimism in my life. :) hope this year would be prolific, good and full of surprises (something beneficial)

thanks to all the persons whom ive shared my life with...

To my new acquaintances: i hope we could establish a deeper rapport... the thing we call REAL FRIENDSHIP!

To my barkada, high school cliques, the mensroom: a million thanks... through thick and thin, you were there for me... you complete my life :)

anf of course to my one and only: you know who you are! because of you, i knew myself better! i stood above the ground. words arent enough to describe how grateful i am having you in my life... You came into an epiphany of what my life is worth for: living for the other, living it with you... now i have a hundredfold reasons to smile. for always, forever, you have a place in my heart. i vow eternal love.




love you all guys!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

the music played

When I See You Smile

Kris Lawrence

Sometimes i wonder

How i'd ever make it through,

Through this world without having you

I just wouldn't have a clue

'cause sometimes it seems

Like this world's closing in on me,

And there's no way of breaking free

And then i see you reach for me

Sometimes i wanna give up

I wanna give in,

I wanna quit the fight

And then i see you, baby

And everything's alright,

Everything's alright

When i see you smile

I can face the world, oh oh,

You know i can do anything

When i see you smile

I see a ray of light, oh oh,

I see it shining right through the rain

When i see you smile

Oh yeah, baby when i see you smile at me

Baby there's nothing in this world

That could ever do

What a touch of your hand can do

It's like nothing that i ever knew

And when the rain is falling

I don't feel it, 'cause you're here with me now

And one look at you baby

Is all i'll ever need,

You're all i'll ever need


Sometimes i wanna give up

I wanna give in,

I wanna quit the fight

And then i see you baby

And everything's alright,

Everything's alright So right...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

in solitude

A Sunken Eclipse

From an uncharted horizon
Is a thunderbolt
That shattered the glassy rivers
Broken, wrecked and brittle
From midnight’s dueling lamp
Is a steamy rotisserie
That burned the once Eden laid
Scorched, crisped, ashy
From the vociferous echoes
Is a rhetorical cataclysm
That siphoned the strophes of life
Dry, lethargic, bitter-strife
And this glorious lamp of heaven
Shines in diaspora-
Nowhere to heed
Nowhere to lead
Broken, wrecked, brittle
Scorched, crisped, ashy
Dry, lethargic, bitter-strife
All by this sunken eclipse
My heart’s incarcerated, entombed
By the darkest day
My life to pay

I now close my eyes
From a total eclipse

And when I wake up
The night is over,
The tremor is gone
Aurora breathes a whisper,
A promise that’s sweeter

Monday, December 18, 2006

every body

My Body

“You know that your bodies are parts of the body of Christ. Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God, he bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God’s glory.” (1 Corinthians 6, 15-18).
Our body has a unique value and dignity. Knowing the purpose and use of our body takes effort and Divine direction. Through which, we fathom a broader understanding beyond reason. Certain philosophical views may appear contradictory and paradoxical by the passage of history and time, but one thing remains true. For as Rene Descartes states: I think, therefore, I am (Cogito, ergo sum) only proved that by denial and doubting, man is thinking and existing. The real essence of man lies not between what separates the body and soul or of the soul to the body but as to how he becomes an instrument and reinforcement to concretize his actions in a wholly experience, be it outside or inside of his orb. His body participates in the world but cannot be reduced to it. His body is not only a sole possession but also an exercise of control and responsibility. Whatever he experiences either by virtue of himself or of the world is certainly dependent from his body’s condition.
We should never forget that through interrelationship with each other is his life made meaningful and significant. This intermediary allows him to find meaning through other’s life. By manifestations of his gestures and emotions is he able to embody what he feels inside. He is always involved in the many complex processes and struggles before him. In this regard, the persons around him shells out the “being” in him. If he gives love, they reciprocate love. Contextually, he brings about himself- his entire self and soul and to God from
which he owes everything.

body language

A Summary: My Body

What difference lies when someone says: I have my body or I have a body? Well, let’s take a short glimpse of the different philosophical views to give us a scoop of wisdom. In ancient times, the question of the human body had already been debated. According to Plato, man is his soul. This was narrowed by his metaphorical analogy of the soul as a charioteer of two winged-horses. In Aristotle’s case, he viewed man as the whole of his body and soul. They are one as being associated to matter and form. There is no matter that is not informed by form, and no form that is not the form of matter. The Christian philosophers also dealt on the question of man’s body. St. Augustine mentioned that man can be divided into body and soul, the soul being more real and important. Man is the unity of body and soul; himself having existed by this unity.
It was Rene Descartes, by virtue of his methodic doubt and levels of meditation, that the body and soul is a real unity. In either separate states, one is always involved. However, this unity remains unknown due to its inherent ambiguity. But in Gabriel Marcel’s philosophy, it comes into two: ob-jectum (“thrown in front”) and subjective (“thrown beneath”). The former places a man’s state outside the thing he is inquiring on. The body now becomes “a body”, an objective idea apart from “me”. While the latter recognizes man as a part of the thing he is investigating. It becomes “my body”- a body that is uniquely man’s possession. The basic reflection on the experience of man’s body recognizes its paradoxical character. It is a living reality in man which actually is a composite nature of body and soul, matter and mind, intellect and sense, reason and emotion. It is an intermediary between one’s self and the world. The encounter of the experience of one’s self and his experience with the world can only take place in the experience of his body By which, he does not only share with the world but to others too.

reflections I

Man and Historical Action

Oftentimes, we blame “destiny” as the culprit for whatsoever events that would happen to us. Partly, I agree. But there is still a margin of impracticality if I would totally submit to such prejudice. I say partly for the reason that some things do really happen despite the unexpected outcomes it elicits. Whether we like or not, we are destined for better or for worse. But even if it happens this way, we can always find means and ways to amend such unwanted situations. The idea of task-making is then involved here.
Seemingly, everything affects our lives ranging from our habitual functions to the vulnerability of circumstances and inevitability of time. The only way to stand long is to till the ground by our feet. By doing so, we stand as the reference point of intersection. Be it physical, social, interpersonal, historical or existential, each constitutes the making of our selves. We are brought up by these forces, thereby; there is always an assumption of responsibility from the framework of our experience. There’s always a stream of consciousness that flows, a set of limitations and possibilities, activity and passivity.
We take part in every natural phenomena- life, pestilence or demise. By these, we adopt to a certain type of temperament depending on the level of survival one needs. Interpersonally, we are a product of a network of personalities, from one personal line of events to the other. Historically and socially, we are a glorious inheritor of our culture and past from the generation of social habits and time lines. And lastly, we are bound to reach our ultimate goals in life. From here, we attain permanent totality (including spiritual) that determines the final meaning of our lives. All these make man a being both by destiny and task.

Philosophy and Letters II

A Summary: Man and Historical Action
Man is a cross-point or point of intersection of certain line of events- physical, interpersonal, social and historical and existential. He is characterized by destiny or fate. When seen as destiny is a set of limitations. When seen as a task is a set of possibilities- destiny but also a task. As a point of intersection of natural events, man is a conscious product of nature and is a certain particular product of nature- distinct from the rest of physical phenomena. He is conscious of his limitations and possibilities, a source of creativity and activity. At the interpersonal level, he is defined by his personality as determined by his relationship with the persons around him. To a great extent, his personality is a fruit of intersecting personal lines coming together. Speaking of which, he is conscious- aware of his limitations and possibilities.
On the third level, man is a social cross-point. As closely associated with the inter-personal level, man is a social product of the events of the past beyond control. Certain social habits characterize him as a personality; a certain type brought about by culture and societal conditions. Historical overlaps with the social; the former being dynamic and temporal and the latter being static. He emerged at a certain period not within his control. It is through history which makes us what we are now. And the last level is between man himself as an individual, a unique person and a certain form of absolute goal for which he lives. By this, he is able to see his own person.
Given the destiny, he should do something with the situation. Destiny may have brought him at that situation, but the freedom is left on him if he wants to make a difference or live by it. Destiny and tasks are two inseparable things that determine man in the physical, interpersonal, social, historical and existential sense.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Heart of the Midnight Rose

How do i Love Thee? Now, let me show the way.
Thanks to you, jo. hehe now you finally landed in my planet. welcome!!!
The Heart of the Midnight Rose


Sing to me a nocturne
Of midnight’s hallow burn
To the swaddling hammock
Winding up a turn
And when the moon dances light
Like the fairies in flight
Fly up and see from afar
A crimson fallen star
From there it seeds a lovely red rose
In blossoming stance and pose
By the voice you tender
Petal falls in sublime surrender
By your enchanting tune
Its stalk stands solid gay
Never to slumber to the oblivious day
And when the night is torn
By a blind mile
Sing no talks forlorn
But a loving whisper beguile
And shall the dawn swear no delay
The heart of the Midnight Rose
No shades of white and gray
But forever red, red, red
In buds no thorns of bed
And this rose in dreams you make
Shall eternity vow no mistake

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

all it takes to be a normalite

when someone asks me what school i come from, i would proudly say, "... Cebu Normal University". others give a praiseworthy impression on their face while some really paints a horrible grimace to imply underestimation. well, obviously, most of the students come from the mountains and nearby provinces. but that should not be the basis for delving into someone's profile. we are a third-world country. whether we like it or not, majority of the country's population is mired on the margin of poverty. good thing the government had realized was the need to educate the people, propagation of a literate society. i believe that by this, the etiology of human diseases will be cured.

to those people who look down on us, i should say, mirror yourself a million times. what their reactions would seem like, i just let it go. social stratum should never be the ticket to success . whether your rich or poor, all deserves the right to education. im proud being one of the lucky chosen few to enter CNU. at first, i thought of making it to USC. i passed with superior IQ and Excellent exam results there. well, i should say superior--- twas chicken, very very chicken. hassle-free, with such a favorable ambiance to study and later on, sleep!!! but it was a different story in CNU, gosh, my brain almost oozed out. twas like being screwed on a chair with iron nails crowned atop your head. such a mind-exhausting exam. and... it lasted for THREE hours- no break! so what i did was to bite my jollibee burger little by little to fill my stomach. that very day, i realized my academic mode has been switched on! whew!

"mananing nasad kog balik!.. makaboang jud!!!"

And when the day came the results are posted, i jumped for joy having found my name on the passers list.







"praise the Lord!"

thanks to my former teachers in cic mandaue. had it not been by your encouragement and support, i would not have made it to CNU. It was from there that i realized my pedagogical calling for CNU. even before, i'd love to be teacher. well if u wanna know the drama behind it, get posted for my next write-up. I vehemently believe that this school would make me prolific. and yes, i wasn't wrong. no regrets!

"Normalite najud kow!"

Things have not been very easy in CNU. yes, we only got four class days a week, but my, every hour counts! time is so gold that you'll have to maximize your vacant period by studying your lessons for the next class. in terms of their exams administration, i should say, better be prepared! some professors give lengthy objective-type exams while others stick to an essay type... but worst when they give suprise tests! Such mind boggling experiences will surely make you realize

" I'm tired... but I'll have to cope up!"

the competition is so stiff that you'll be left out if you have not gone through the pages of your notes or research works. one thing which i'm so proud of, is the fact that i learned how to use the library. way back my high school days, i've been internet-dependent. sadly, i got used to it. though the internet provides immediate information, things wouldnt be enough. often times, i encounter a lot of errors, disinformation and misinterpretation.

teaching-wise, professors and instructors in CNU are dedicated and competent! Unlike other universities (just a hearsay) where some profs wouldnt attend classes , CNU gives you a picture of old school teaching where you're treated like a high school student, monitored and tracked. A complete attendance from the faculty... whenever a "terror" prof is absent for the day, it's like a shower party for us! rejoice! rejoice and be glad! That used to be our life. but still, we are not deprived of the right to liberty. i for one ranted about such old crap style before but it has to be that way, i realized! in CNU, it's always the harder way around. be the long-day enrollment processing, the OSA sanctioning or the regular class day drama, one has to stand out despite the school's warm, pressurized environment.

Being in my field is such a fulfillment. im grateful having the English Faculty as my dynamic, ever enthusiastic mentors. Who wouldnt have known Dr. Angel Pesirla, the renowned and respected modern Shakespeare? During British Lit Class, he would always despise my hairtyle

"Ang lalakeng tuyom ug buhok, Gemma!"


and of course, never to forget his endearing British accent especially when he says,

"Canterburrryyyyyyy!!!" (prolonged) sounding like a breed of anglo-saxon and middle english.

next in line is Mrs Marita Nalam, a jack-of-all trades master of many. well she sings like a hummingbird. how i feel so nostalgic during thos Lit 1 days... such a motherly affection she gives you. who wouldnt be longing for that?

Never to forget, Mrs. Carmel Vip Deracin, my Lit 1 Linguistics and Literature professor. her tactics will make you march... " The Charge of the Light Brigade" and let you interpret Shakespeare's Sonnet ..." let me not to the marriage of two minds admit impediments. love is not love which alters when its alteration finds, nor bends with the remover to remove" who would not be amazed?

Of course, Mrs. Nona Suerte too. my Oral Tradition professor and the English Studies Chairperson. one thing i'll never forget about her was when she tasked us to creatively present the story of Cupid and Psyche. we had a long preparation for that... and it turned out, she liked it! 'twas a great relief... like a sip of green tea! darn. i was frightened during the presentation day.. her having a stern voice... but i caught her smile as she watched our show... :) that made me breathe all through out the day.
And Dr. Joseph Sol Galleon, my adviser in English Fellows. Well, if you wanna sneak a trailer on my induction as the governor, keep posted.. lot more experiences to share. His "tatay" image will make you feel comfortable dealing with him. his professionalism gets you to the point of rooting out the best in you. and i for one feels so privileged having trained by him, until now.

A lot more teachers to mention! Well, you just have to remember this, whatever school you attend to, it's a matter of proving your worth! I am here in CNU and life is very different. I realized it's not about coincidences or chances, but its how you make things happen!

Truly, its indelible image as the frontline for quality education and culture of excellence is beyond compare!

that's what friends are for


I dont know where to start writing. maybe i could not find the exact words as to what i feel right now. The moment i heard you'll stay for a short vacation here, i felt sad knowing that you did not even inform me. How i thought i would be the first to know. I only got the information from someone else. But still, i was happy about the news. I would finally meet my "sweetie"- my adorable loving friend.
I never did any chance regret having you as my friend. i believe that destiny has brought us together. let me attest. there once came a point in time when i was so down with my problems (you know that grisly thing!?!) that i even got paranoid and so frustrated, and yet you were there for me. you listened not by your ears, but through your heart. you understood me. you know how much i degraded myself but still, u held on, you proved me wrong. you gave me the reason to wear a smile on my face despite the struggles and shortcomings. having you is more than winning a lottery! If God will give me the chance to choose my angel, it is you i'd choose. charness! hehehe

days had flown so fast. i admit i had been very preoccupied that i have to adjust my edgy schedules on a beat, so erratic and nerve biting. weve met only twice... and our first encounter was not as good as we thought. i welcomed you with a hug, only to let you know my bitter longing for your presence. Well, having you met with francis gave me a short delight. now uve seen the man worth my life. how i enjoyed our chitchats in mcdonalds lahug. and when the time i feared so much came, you were there to wipe my tears. you've witnessed how i wept in torment that francis has to leave me by that very hour, ten o'clock. how the world had trembled upon my shoulders when he left. im sorry if it had to be that way sweetie. i shud not have met you just to share my bloody tears with you, i pity myself. but even if it had to be that way around, i knew you would be there to lean a shoulder for me and coax my dispirited looks. not a minute after ten did you leave me in solitude. i breathed hope. your therapeutic encouragement made me realize that i have a reason to stay happy, a reason to live life to the fullest. that night where we sat along the roadside of IT park left me with no trace of horror and despair, instead, a shining memoir of our friendship.

sunday came. i made it up just to see you before you leave. hope the songs i sang in resto z made you feel the melody of my love for you. be it rocky or mellow, its rhythm was meant for you. sad to say, i couldnt make it all through out the day. i had to leave before papa chides me, a little of cinderella episode. (before the clock strikes twelve) unto the very last glimpse of you, a radiant spark enkindled my night.

you'll always be the candle of my life sweetie. in your luminiscence, i find warmth and light.

Thank you for the short time we spent together.

May the Good Lord bless and keep you safe and sound.

imong paluluvzzz,


would letting go help me forget you? or would it just make me long for you?

this song that made me cry a river......
painful. . . yet, it has to be this way

Please Don't Ask Me

Please don't ask me
what I'm thinking
It's about you
And please don't ask me
I never can see you
What can I do
My first impulse is to run to your side
My heart's not free
And so I must hide
Please don't ask me what I'm gonna say to you

I toss and turn, can't sleep at night
It's worrying me,
I go to bedTurn out the light
But your face I see
It only hurts the more I pretend
That we could ever be more than friends
Please don't ask me

Why I'm so in love with you

You could easily make me happy
That I knowBut I'll try my best to never tell you so
I will sing to you my love songs and pretend
But I'll keep my secret right down to the end
Please don't ask me
why I'm not talking
I just can't explain
And please don't ask me
Why I go walking out in the rainI
could not live the lie it would take
It would be a mistake
Please don't ask me

Why I'm so in love with you

No please don't ask me

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

philosophy and letters

Philosophizing: a Boon or a Bane?

Man is the perennial problem. So many questions arise in his thoughts such as: Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? What is my future? The answers to such questions are as varied as there are thinkers answering their own question. Indeed, man by nature is faced with many problems. To solve these problems, man must penetrate himself into searching out the deepest meaning of his existence. And this leads him to philosophize. What does it mean to philosophize? Basically, to philosophize is to reflect one’s life deeply, a kind of seeing with the mind. It is this ability and power of man as a rational being that enables him to weigh situations and diagnose the etiology of all human maladies.
Take my father’s case. For the past ten years, he had no stable job. He walked his life in a rocky road mired by his vices. How could he feed his family having no stable job? Had a tragic accident not happen would he realize to change. And so by God’s guidance, he pursued his studies in law. He rolled his sleeves, unmindful of the everyday pressures and stress. And luckily, by the entire family’s prayers and support, he made it to the bar exams. Such experience as my father’s made me so proud of him. Because he loves us, he took the supreme sacrifice for the good of our family. Indeed, God is merciful and loving.
It is this magnificence where man delves the deepest meaning of all things to discover the truth: that his life is made whole when he lives for the other. My father took the risk of transforming his life into something significant and worthwhile. Thus, he was able to bring about his best. Therefore, philosophizing is a boon, a priceless gift. Man proves his worth not by mere chances but by working out what he could offer to himself and to his environment. Words may define MAN but it’s his EXPERIENCE and LOVE which binds it.

Monday, December 11, 2006

the penman

I lovingly dedicate this to all writer enthusiasts
and of course
to the rose of my life.

Credo of the Pen Master
-Christian L.-

Scroll I

I am but an ordinary shepherd
Who feeds the flock with wheat
I fill my pasture with earnest thoughts
Free from mossy feat

I who write with sweat and blood
Drinks to the Cup Divine
-pure, hallowed and exalted
Thick and plenty a spill of wine

Scroll II

I am but the fisher of dreams and earth
For I keep a good catch in line
Nothing in this world is like a sea of hearth
Free from wined strings and gross malign

I who write by yesterday’s sleep
Speak by tongues in deep
And I word nothing but the truth
Free from prejudice and sullen creep

Scroll III

I am but the springing mimic of nature
Who waters the deserted blooms and withered
Where upon her bountiful fervor
I tender her frail soft touch splendor

I who write in serenity amidst the storm
Breathes a whispering toiling care
Whereby I cradle her every aging norm
Leaves without the dawning swear

Scroll IV

I am but every soul’s ghost
The master of my beckoning spirit
-of sheer mirth, pain, triumph and failure
No lose of teary ink on my preppy paper

I who write in life and in death
Heeds perpetual ‘til the sunrise of Glory
I be crowned with praise or threat
Never shall I fear this noble story

Scroll V

I am the writer of every age
In Every turning road
I herald the histories of the sage
Unfolding every page that has ne’r been told

By the tick of the clock my life’s worth
A hundredfold joys I shower on earth
Unto my very last breath, I profess with my Maker
To serve my people, a faithful good writer!


one of my masterpieces... thanks to marie. if aint for you, i would not have written this. gipadali dali jud kog himo ani kay i present ni nila sa mga taga velez.. nisikat sad ko gamay didto. ssshhheessss
How the World is a Big Bite of an Apple
- Christian Ray C. Licen-

Swish…Wish… Bite…Might… Juice… Loose

Doo-doo-dooo. Dee-dee-dee .Du-dum-dum

Oh, the world is an apple everyday
To keep the doctors far, far, away
And this world sells apples to put up the show
And you’ll bite ‘til you drop its heavenly blow

Flow, oh, garden- paradise, the apple tree grows,
Atop its branches stood a Red, Red post!
And how this of the grower of the apples had greenish loops crept
Is nothing we know but in Genesis kept!

And the grower says, “Cometh dear shepherds of the Flock,
This apple will keepeth you stronger as the Rock,
Maketh you right, Maketh you might
Be this night as men should know, the women bite!

Woman/Men: Oh, we had eaten the fruit forbidden,
Meat by meat, flesh by flesh awakening, bare and bold;
How naked are we, how this shall be hidden,
For I Fear the doom as the Might and Right had warned and told!

Ego of Regret:

And were they driven unto the barren field;
To earn their bread a-dessert labor,
Nowhere had defeat and triumph dissevered,
These impostors embedded by the Creator.

[Repeat Chorus]

The world rolls down its boulders
From a steep thorny carriage unto their shoulders
Where innocence pours a gesture of toxic curiosity
Where truth is gulped by a slice of mockery
Where desperations are deluded by fantasy
Where façade is the ticket to every spree

In every stake of breath
We live no life that’s ours
But a dream of a single death
Cursed by sufferings and wars

Poor Street Child:

I am nowhere to be found
But on the streets wandering
Every bite of the night,
Or the day’s chaining fright,
No bread in my pocket
Is heaving!
Why in a fisherman’s table
I fish no tons of meal?
Or even a stevedore’s son
Still brains are an empty load of cargoes and steel?

Ego of Darkness:

Come near me, wretch, so poor fate
And renounce your woes and trouble
Your desperate plight I pay a treat
Only if you thieve a pocket handful!

Ego of Regret:

With no second thoughts
The poor unfortunate stripling trailed
A handful pockets ceased and usurped
And his famine-days fed his kin a meaty-cursed-pride
But on the very last breathe of his fight
Laid bloody-stained on the jails of contrite

[Repeat Chorus]

Lewd Man:

Why art my wife, I find no pleasure
Or is it I who sought no closure?
I must in euphoria raise on pedestal-high
Even if it takes me wanton lies!
Why art woman my weakest armor?
Why art they whom my libidos boil and beseech?
Aren’t from the daybreak they shone sweeter and deadlier
That in me lamed the flames of sexual speech?

Ego of Darkness:

Come near me, wretch, so poor fate
And renounce your woes and trouble
And to your desire, a courtesan-rate
The night in frenzy yours to stumble

Ego of Regret:

Countless nights of scorching ecstasy
Ignited a brazen flare of callousness,
His life he wallowed in miseries,
And his family is left with shadow-filth extremities
Smitten from a thousand barbed agonies,
But the verdict succumbs in bars, he a prison make,
Chained by hunger and thirst,
Repentance to take,

[Repeat Chorus]

Broken Teenager:

I was once The Victor from my scholarly days
As my name resounds beauty, glory and praise
I triumphed from the battles of everyday sweat
Like a gallant Captain where fame and honor abet
On air, on sea, in excellence I command
Never shall I fall on the defeated sunken land
But as I withdraw the fleets, little did I know
Myself anchored on the braces of my fellow

That single night of complete surrender
Is now a lifetime distress so-bitter
And they, the mob, speak in despicable tongues
Where my soul is devoured, disparaged and tormented of my wrongs

Neither he nor my spring of my refuge is nowhere to find,
Shall I cease this paining episode cramming on my mind?
Where on these corners would this baby breathe life,
If on the very dawn of the lantern’s eve be suffering-rife?

Ego of Darkness:

Come near me, wretch, so poor fate
And renounce your woes and troubles
Why make so pity your life?
If you can tie a knot to end the blistering strife!

Ego of Regret:

And she, in still waters sunk deep,
Effervescing the very air that dissipates
From within her delicate weak spirit,
For the phantoms of darkness creep,
Unto her sinews which obliterates
And her loose head entwined and split.

[Repeat Chorus]

Broken Teenager:

Broken dreams, broken family
Where am I to place?
I am but a broken piece of story
So unloved, rejected, left without a trace!

Whom shall I find strength?
Whom shall I seek redress?
I am nothing, merely a brittle shadow bent,
Thirsty for attention, love and caress!

They give me money, yes, a pocket full
And I squander and run the banks unaided
But still it cannot equal for love is the rule
If only they knew i'd be tattered, torn and wasted!

Ego of Darkness:

Come near me, wretch, so poor fate
And renounce your woes and trouble
The world is too small for you to fret
I give you my company who knows no regret!

Ego of Regret:

With her little mind, unknowingly did danger hover,
The company she sought, friendship she thought was but a shady corner
And in her extreme ecstasy
Shackled and drooling in the seedbed of brain malady.

[Repeat Chorus]

The Gambler:

Abracadabra, this stupid game of cards
Is but a Royal magic enchanting,
My life at stake a million bills and wards
Is the horror every gambler keeps haunting

Where now shall I mold my pot?
Where now shall I pay my price?
I have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Nowhere to trail, nowhere to ride

Where my people I feed a multitude of promises
To rule supreme from the heel of Achilles
Shall it be to their labor, I seek repay?
I, sworn of Thetis', am but right to my will with no delay!

Where now the Joker spits his jests deride
For now, I’m left with no Aces to abide
No clues of the people I once trust
For now, they forsake me, in defeat an orphan disgust!

Ego of Darkness:

Come near me, wretch, so poor fate
And renounce your woes and troubles
Decline not in my offer hesitate
For in my bidding is the promise of royal crowns, aces and nine marbles.

Ego of Regret:

And this man, once sand storm blown
Again, his desires given and shown
Over and over time recounts itself
No pauses, no blows
But a reeling turn of speed throws

His land had buried him a sentence
And his family shielded no word
And the crown once bestowed shunned

Had him redeemed in the name of the Lord.

[Repeat Chorus]

To these people who bite the world
An apple- red, succulent and fair;
May know how mundane is that world in despair
In its flesh disgorge the ails and frails
On the dusk of remorse, travails and bewails.

across the bar

Sail Sail Love


Oh sail bloody-sweet crimson Love,
And pervade the sporadic sea;
A Victor-face, a battle-fair-
Where from the celestials above,
Hail with splendor and eternity
The passionate flare!
Hold steadfast Captain of hundred fleets,
And anchor on my heart a safe abode
Your armor in every surging torrent!
Where you find no retreat
Subdue and carry no burden the load,
Caress in my embrace- warm and fervent.

Love’s Horizon

At a shadow far
From across the tidal bar,
At a foggy sweep
From the rustling creep,
Of the murmur’s speech
‘Yond the mouthful reach,
A shower of a shooting star!
By the zephyr’s loudest whisper
Flows softly the words a-geyser
Of radiant midnight’s touch,
Of daylight’s cold moon catch,
Swaddle me, lights unclear;
Naked eye blind from despair!
And lull your dawning fair
‘Til I awake no sleepless
Deaths compare!

when the heart writes

The doom i feared had come. The sun had wrenched its radiant arms. No more paint of azure skies. Instead, a pale purple peel from roses and dandelions. Through which, the pollen stung a spasm of bitterness, siphoning the nectar from which i seed and grow. No more dew smiles and misty kisses; ashy snows piled up from the very ground i am coiled and anchored. now, im forsakened and it has made me the least from the desert grasses. There's nothing i can do but to stand dry and weary, feeble and helpless. Not even a single drop of water rains. And i long for the thirst you quench me. But i know its never gonna happen again for distant miles would separate us. The thought it makes me shed off my soul and wallow on the verge of tribulation. ( to be continued)

the chemistry of love

when is love atomic?
when is it bombastic?
when is it ballistic?

An Atomic Love

Oh how I was bombarded
By the radiance of the atomic love
Causing me to get excited

Oh what spark and force it illuminates
Whereupon my empty orbital
Ignites the periodic rule of octaves

Its magnetic force I draw near
Like the Uranium I pervade no fear
My periodic life in valence height
All by your oxidation state
Ionic or covalent keeps me tight
So immeasurable a molar fate

A balanced reaction you make
No decomposition could ever break
By your eyes I melt a freezing rate
By your smiles I liquefy a plasma state
Your brilliance so crystal clear
Dissolves in saturation a blissful sheer

I may be the ion in an electric current
Traveling in ductile wires
For I haste not in osmotic torrent
But pacing with the heat of fires
For deep within my nuclear love
Is a profound explosion from above!

over a cup of green tea

green tea is good to your health... why not sip some juice of poetry and get refreshed from all-in-a-days work... bon appetite...

this poem is dedicated to my one and only BB.... you know who you are. Remember me this way.

The Humming’s Melody

Sweet the gush of zephyrs whispering in my ears
Soft the rustle of chirpings suppressing my fears
Deaf echoes resonating chiming lullabies
For this sparrow hatch a mirthful wise
Mild as it yokes the mornings in rhyme
On perpetual moonshine’s radiant slime
By the night I watch him caressed by the deep
Only to find him in shivering weep
Pedestal songs the Muses sweep
Embraced its nest a springtime sleep
No more dreams a paint of violet sorrows
But a tender rouse of the crimson rainbows
Sing high up the Utopian bounty treats
Fraught my heart, his music completes
